Muslims, why is Mecca and not Medina not the holiest city in Islam?

Hello. I am admittedly not a Muslim, but I am interested in your religion's history and tradition as I find it overall fascinating. I'm just curious, if the Prophet Muhammad settled in Medina (Yathrib at the time) to flee persecution, was accepted, and started his own formidable Islamic community, and was buried there, then why isn't Medina the holy center of Islam? I know that Yathrib was even renamed to Madīnat an-Nabī, which means "City of the Prophet", so why isn't this so? 

Thanks in advance for your answers.


@Anonymous: But according to many sites including this one, his tomb is said to be in Medina. 


Favorite Answer

Medina is the second holiest, the Prophet's tomb is there but his birthplace was Mecca, and the focus is on the ancient Ka'ba towards which everyone prays daily.


Initially Prophet along with Sahabas and Ummah used to pray by facing Bait al Maqdis. Then Allah told the Prophet to Pray facing Ka'ba. So ka'ba is in the makkah hence Muslims end up following the request of Allah. Another name for Bait Al Maqdas is Masjid Al Aqsa. So Masjid al Haram or more commonly known as Makkah is regarded as Holy city because Haram in arabic means " Holy, sacred, Purest" do not be confused with "Haraam" which means forbiden. 

Madinah is known as Masjid al Nabawi meaning Prophet's mosque. 

The real story was that the Muslims and Jews at time was facing the same Masjid al Aqsa/maqdis. That lead to jews discrediting Islam because they feel that Islam is threatening them, so Prophet had asked guidance from Allah which eventually he got the message to pray facing Ka'ba.

This is even written in the Quran :

The fools among the people will say: What has turned them (Muslims) from their Qiblah which they had? Say (O Mohammed): The East and the West belong only to Allah; He guides whom He likes to the right path” (Quran 2:142)

Out of Question :-

Yes, I heard a lot from people that the Makkah is unique. I wish one day i could visit Makkah. Make doowa