I've been having pain around my kidney area for two days now. What could it be caused by?

I've felt this way since last night, so I thought it would go away if I slept through it, but it didn't. It's on the right side of my abdomen, I don't feel any discomfort on my back. It hurts when I laugh, lie or sit down in any position other than flat on my back, wear tight pants or really put any sort of tension on it. It also hurts when I press it, although not as much.

I drink a lot of water, usually around 1.5 litres a day. I'm gonna admit that I'm not the healthiest eater and I have high cholesterol and anaemia, but no diabetes. 

What could this be caused by? Should I seek medical attention?


It's not kidney pain, sounds more like a strained muscle. Think back, what did you do in the last few days?


Have you been taking over the counter energy shots or energy drinks? Expresso or strong coffee? . That can make your pancreas sore but the pain you're describing could be appendicitis. Don't eat anything and drink only water. See if the pain dies down if it doesn't. 

Go get check for appendicitis.