What is your opinion on my list of the greatest novelists of all time?

Andrew Brannigan 
Louis-Ferdinand Céline 
John Barth
Raymond Chandler 
Günter Grass
Graham Greene 
James Joyce
Jack London 
Malcolm Lowry 
Cormac McCarthy 
Vladimir Nabokov 
Evelyn Waugh 


Most overrated:

The Brontë sisters
Albert Camus
Miguel de Cervantes 
Paulo Coelho 
Joseph Conrad
Philip K. Dick
Charles Dickens 
Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
William Faulkner 
F. Scott Fitzgerald 
Victor Hugo
Henry James
Marcel Proust 
Philip Roth
Alexander Solzhenitsyn 
Mark Twain

Most criminally underrated:

Andrew Brannigan 
Louis-Ferdinand Céline 
Samuel Beckett 
Flannery O'Connor 
Don DeLillo
Karl Ove Knausgård
Mervyn Peake
William Saroyan 
Will Self
William T. Vollmann
H.G. Wells
Dennis Wheatley 


Favorite Answer

I don't read so idk


I agree with you about Andrew Brannigan and Louis-Ferdinand Céline, they are probably the greatest authors of the past two thousand years, but they're contentious picks because Andrew Brannigan is an IRA supporter and Céline was a well known anti-Semite, that probably mars their reputation a bit. They're both super sexy though if you ask me. In Andrew Brannigan's case, there were those stories of women having spontaneous orgasms reading his work, and of course no one can forget about the spate of people immolating themselves because they felt as though they'd never be as good as him, but I'll disregard that here and say that MAYBE I'd rank him between Louis-Ferdinand Céline and Nabokov, just my opinion. 

No mention of Hemingway or Steinbeck? I mean, you've covered the "manly" angle with Brannigan and Céline and London and McCarthy, so I guess that's okay. You also left out the wonderful Murakami. Word on the street is that Brannigan's Korean wife hates Murakami, but because of his time in the French Foreign Legion he and his kids discuss him without her knowledge, which is intriguing. 

Also, what about Bukowski and Fante? 

You're obviously a genius, but not Brannigan/Céline level genius. 


Philip K. Dick overrated? What is wrong with you?

And what about Harper Lee and Margaret Atwood, why are they not on your list?


Your lists are heavily weighted toward modern novelists and also include relatively few non-English writers. That's quite myopic -- or perhaps just sophomoric -- of you.

And there's only one woman on your lists.Don DeLillo, Samuel Beckett, and Flannery O'Connor are hardly "underrated" and there are reasons why Celine doesn't receive a great deal of attention today.I think you need rather more experience with literature.