Should I discuss with my coworker or go to human resources?

I walked into a conversation between two of my coworkers.  One of them said how lousy was my work literally showing a work I did, the other one said "not bad at all." The whole thing lasted at most ten seconds.  I walked out immediately because I did not know what to do exactly.  I try not to cause any problems with anybody but should I complain to human resources since my work has been discussed, rated, and gossiped about.  Neither coworkers are my superiors, supervisors etc. Any thoughts?


1) Speak to coworker directly to resolve issues
2) Speak to manager and arrange meeting with 3 of you to resolve issues

This is not a HR issue


No point in going to HR over this. If you feel that you absolutely must do something, the most professional thing would be to approach those coworkers directly and ask them about the discussion you overheard. But honestly, this type of thing is not at all uncommon or unusual, and if you are super sensitive about this type of thing you will struggle and get labeled as a “difficult”, sensitive, or problem employee. You don’t want to be thought of as he office snowflake.

A Hunch2021-04-07T15:28:14Z

You work will always be talked about by others.
Unless you are very new in your career, I'm sure you have discussed the work of others with co-workers too.

What should you do?  I think you should approach the person that said your work was below expectations to find out how they think you can improve.


Why do you care?  Its not like you report to either of them.  If your manager had an issue then I'm sure they would discuss with you.