Does $4100 in attorney fees on top of 1/3rd of a personal injury settlement seem expensive?

My personal injury attorney told me initially she would take 1/3rd of my settlement and around $500 in fees.
My case took just under 2 years.
She took her full 1/3rd and $4100 in fees. The fees caused me to lose a lot more of my settlement and it's disappointing.


Report the lawyer to the state bar.  In my state, lawyers MUST provide a fee agreement and if you did not get one in writing, then the lawyer will be in trouble.  Further, 1/3 IS the fee.  There should not be any fees added to that 1/3.  Of course, if you are an idiot and you don't have a clue about what you are talking about and the extra amount she took were your COSTS, not fees at all, then you owe those costs and there's NO WAY in God's green earth that she could tell you in advance what those costs would be, and I doubt she did so.  I think the latter.  So don't bother reporting her, because you will be the one in trouble and will never get legal help from any lawyer again.  Suck it up.  You got what the lawyer could get for you.

The Truthseeker2021-04-07T16:16:18Z

Fees/ filing expenses are never part of the 1/3. 


Impossible to answer without knowing the details of the case.  Certain circumstances can cause more expenses.


Did you read the fine print,, was that $500 or "plus expenses".