WHO says 'herd immunity' is only achieved by mass vaccination and not natural immunity.. since when did the WHO become anti-science?

Wow., talk about revisionism.. All them diseases humankind went through throughout the ages w/o any vaccine and survived via natural herd immunity.. lies..  Dr. Tedros at the WHO was claiming the mortality rate on the China coronavirus (COVID-19) was near 3.4% was a LIE.  WHO lies alot. anti science... Chinese puppets


The biggest liar on the planet who was once in a leadership position was the former U.S. president. He lied about the virus and people died. 

Wage Slave2021-04-07T14:14:56Z

You get a lot fewer deaths if you do it via vaccine though, which is the point. Like yeah, the plague didn't have a vaccine and people got through it but it killed 1/3 of Europeans.
I am quite sure you either intentionally misrepresenting what the WHO said or did not understand what was said, so a link to the statement in question would be helpful for evaluation.


I very much doubt if that is exactly what they said. But certainly it's better getting herd immunity through a vaccine than running the risk of dying.


You sound like a good little Trump minion. Does he send you a cookie every time you post this nonsense?