What did Jesus mean by Him preparing a place for us in Heaven?

Does it mean it'll be detailed exactly the way we want it to be? Also will all of my earthly dreams and desires be fulfilled in Heaven as well as spiritual dreams and desires?
I don't want any answers to be filled with Bible Scriptures since I have a hard time understanding them, I just want to know from your perspective.


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"...for I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:1-6).

So what does that mean? There are different ideas. Is this something like Jesus building or working on the rooms of the house to make them nice, or is this possibly speaking of the cross and His ascension back to heaven? I really don't know.

Here's Richard Lenski's idea: "'Shall prepare' or 'make ready' is a heavenly act and, therefore, since no further explanation is added, impossible for us to visualize in detail. The best explanation is that the presence of Jesus in his Father's heavenly home makes the mansions ready for our reception; for only through the presence of our Redeemer in heaven is it possible for us disciples to enter heaven. Some have pictured the preparation in a human way: as we prepare a room for a coming guest, placing in it all that the guest may like, embellishing and decorating it for his delight ... We shall know all about this preparation when we are finally received into the heavenly mansions" (Commentary on the New Testament). That last part is definitely true.

Some people, though, point to the Judgment figure in Matthew 25:34: "Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'" It sounds like it's already prepared, but maybe Jesus was speaking of their specific places or just using accommodative language since He would be outside of time. 

I do know that the only reason I'm going to have a place in the Father's house is because of the cross (that's what pays for my room and board), and so I think that's at least a possible explanation here. Jesus was about to go to the cross which would prepare a place (a reservation) for them in that house.  Without the cross (and, of course, His resurrection and ascension), His disciples wouldn’t have a reservation there. Again, I don't know and it could be a combination.


The Bible does not teach that all good people go to heaven.
The Bible clearly defines two groups of disciples -
The Great Crowd and Little Flock.
The Great Crowd have the prospect of eternal life on a cleansed earth after Armageddon.
The Little Flock are the ones that Christ was talking to that will be going to heaven to rule as Kings and Priests with Him over the earth. The Bible tells us that they number 144,000.
 So when Jesus told the apostles that he was going to “prepare a place for” them, he certainly would have in mind his ‘appearing before the person of God for’ them. Only after he did that could they or other humans follow him to heaven.
There are scriptures to back all this information however you did not want scriptures listed.
Please go to jw.org if you would like to learn more.


Jesus being raised in a construction family (carpenters) went to heaven and has been working on constructing tract homes for the billions of humans that he expects.  That is why he hasn't returned your calls or come back to get in touch.  


When we die, the term for our spirit returning to God is called the “intermittent state”.  It’s not permanent.  When we are resurrected back to life here, forever, in this physical universe, that will be our “heaven”.
  Jesus is just using symbolic language, referencing the ancient Jewish wedding practice of the husband going away to prepare a home for the consummation of the marriage.  Heaven is not going to be a fantasy land, it will be reality.


HE WILL PREPARE SOMETHING SO GREAT IT HAS NOT ENTERED INTO OUR MINDS....He is fixing up great things for HIS born agains!!

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