Are there more important things in life than dating and worrying about being single?


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For sure. People who devote a lot of time and energy to trying to get a "relationship" started, trying to keep a "relationship" going, are generally people who don't have much else in their lives. The people worth having a relationship are the people who have so many positive things in their lives that there is little time or energy for seeking a relationship, nursing along a failing relationship. People who are hungry for a relationship are usually people without much to offer other than neediness. 

Make a good life for yourself and relationships will happen. It's not the other way 'round. Getting yourself partnered up may or may not make life good. It it's not a good match it just makes life even worse! 


Far more important things. I am in a relationship, but me and him put our focus on our success first. He owns a business, works and I work and go to school. We get romantic on our days off, which is rare . Stay focused, and someone that is as focused as you are will appear in your life 


Yes. Money......................


Yes, stalking people and make them feel miserable is other important thing for some people.