Is this generally true about workers?

a) College is for people who want 
stable work, and like to be told what to do. 

b) Self-employment is for people 
who are creative, and are more laid-back.   


Favorite Answer

No. Self employment can run a huge range, from people who work as consultants or independent contractors and only work when they want or need to, to entrepreneurs who run their own businesses. I don’t know any successful entrepreneurs who are laid back, generally they are some of the most driven people, constantly hustling and driving for the next goal.


Self-employment is for people who have a serious work ethic, can handle stress and responsibility, and are willing to work 60+ hours per week.

Being told what to do - i.e. not having any responsibility for making decisions - is for people who are "laid-back".

And college is for people who want money.


No, not true.  There are many people who went to college and have started their own businesses. And there are just as many without college who like a regular, stable job and are good at following directions.


Many college graduates are self-employed...