Does she think I’m a tramp and ugly?

I’m a young guy and went to my job adviser of one month she had chose me forward for a job interview. and she asked me do I need interview clothes ( polite/bubbly tone of voice) i said ‘no thanks iv got all that’ and her response was ‘oh, have you got all that”(Bubbly Tone of voice as I said) and then she said ‘ ok well do you know how to conduct yourself on an interview" while looking at me pleasantly with furrows eyebrows , (see I’m very shy and quiet) I said ‘yes’ she went on to say (she used her hands as gestures in motion to what she was saying) "ok, well don't forget, shirt, pants and shoes....make sure you get a shave. make sure you cut your nails. make sure you do you're hair up all nice and that" (in a voice between a mix of bubbly and assertive) then she paused a bit looking at her computer and then said "and make sure you put some aftershave on as well, for the girls make sure it's men's" then she burst out laughing. I just smiled with it. She said it nicely judging by a laugh at the end but idk. i wasn't near clean shaven at the time of the appointment tbh) but always was previous appointments. she sent me an email the next day about it saying about what I need to take with me to the interview and at the bottom it had underlined ‘please dress smartly’ and ‘good luck’

***the next interview she chose me for I had the next week she never said anything like this at all again and she even filled out the whole application form for me for it and I didn’t ask***


Has been posting the same thing up to 40 times a day for over five tears.


How to get mental health services on the NHS  >>


Yes, and so does everyone on here.

SCATTY c2021-04-07T15:30:07Z

Oh kiddo, I'm going to miss your trolling when this site goes. Bit you really need to get an imagination and come up with a new question