Is Mary the Mother of God?


Mary was the mother of Jesus who is the only begotten son of God, who transferred the life of Jesus into the womb of Mary.


Mary is the mother of Jesus. Jesus is God. Therefore..Mary is the mother of God.


Then who was his father, supergod? 

Mary was the mother of Jesus' flesh body.

1 Timothy 1:17 KJV — Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.


Her Son clearly demonstrated that He was God, by constantly doing things only God could do. And, it was God the Father Who caused her to become pregnant with His Son, Who is also God. Therefore, yes, she is literally the mother of God. Kind of like, I am a biologist, so there is no possible way that my mother could not be the mother of a biologist.

John S2021-04-07T16:17:49Z

YES - Most of Christianity (outside of the U.S.) consider her "Mother of God"
In Catholic and Orthodox faiths which account for like 2/3rds of all Christians have looong given her the title of:

"Theotokos" [Thee-O-Toe-Kaus] -- which is Greek for "God bearer" or roughly translated into English as: 'Mother of God'
Only God gets to choose his mother and he waited for Mary.


Christ is also God.
Mary is the Mother of Christ, hence the Mother of God.

Any Christian who tries to make some sorta exception and claim that she is ONLY the mother of Christ, the human person, but not God -- then runs into heretical ideas about the incarnation and the integration of Christ's divine nature and his human nature -- they have to hold some sorta view that Christ's divine (Godly) nature was somehow separate from his human nature -- which is one of the early  Heresies in Christianity and denounced by several early councils and ALL denominations of Christianity that I know of, certainly all mainline branches.

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