Dream I was at my moms house and she was screaming at me saying the neighbor is mad I peed in her yard?

Then my mom tried to strike me me but I blocked it. I said why are you treating me this way?
She was screaming at me like when I was a kid.
And Ibwas doing all this work for her and the neighbor unappreciated. 
I also felt like I was back in hell with my mom when I moved out so many years ago.
Then she said they're calling the cops. 


Think back a few days, maybe a week. Something triggered this dream.  What was it?  You don't want to go back to your mother.  And you don't want to go back to your childhood.  So try to remember what the trigger was for this type of dream, as I'm sure you have been okay since you left home.  Easter just came and went.  Were you all alone?  Maybe you missed a family gathering over these holidays?  Maybe you were in contact with a child which triggered these memories, and now the dream?  Find the cause of the dream and the power of the dream will disappear. 


The dream is a reminder of why you chose to detach from your mom.