New Pro Football League?

I got recruited to play Tight End for a team called the Salt Lake Senate. They have a 12 game season with 5 teams in our league. They are located in Utah while I am in the PDX area. They seem somewhat legit, though I am not sure if I want to commit to them over finding a legit job in the coming weeks. It would be an 11 hour drive to practice, and more importantly I do not know if they could get me connected to other pro teams like Arena , CFL or even Europe teams. Is playing this season with them worth my time or not?

Team Info:

Cu Tie2021-04-07T23:44:08Z

I highly encourage you to join the Salt Lake Senate football team this season. Keep in mind, if you perform well with the Salt Lake Senate, you may get an opportunity to play in other professional football leagues, such as Arena Football or the CFL.


Right. LMAO!   


The Gridiron Developmental League?
I would suggest cashing any pay check you get quickly.