Should I stop wiping down my grocery containers with rubbing alcohol?


You can set the groceries aside (assuming they are non-perishable) for about 3 days which is the length of time COVID can survive on hard, smooth surfaces.  It is more important for you to go to the grocery store when it's LESS crowded (NOT Saturday am) and to wear a mask outside your home especially when in the supermarket or pharmacy.  Wear a mask even if your governor (who is probably a lawyer or business person,  not a medical doctor) doesn't require it  And avoid crowded places like bars and restaurants.  If you are eligible, get vaccinated.  I am a Republican, wear a mask and got vaccinated.  


Because you have bought into the hoaxdemic agenda


No, keep doing it to be safe. You could touch your groceries and then rub your eyes and thus become infected with a disease, especially Coronavirus. 


Why are you doing this in the first place?  If it's because of covid, that's an airborne virus.

The First Dragon2021-04-07T20:51:12Z

I stopped doing that months ago, when it became evident that covid-19 isn't likely to spread on surfaces like that.  
I'm 73 and I understand pathogens pretty well.  Early in the pandemic, we were warned to be careful of fomites [objects that people have touched].  So I too disinfected my sacks, cans, boxes, even doorknobs and traffic light buttons.  But as time went on it became clear people were not getting sick from these items.  Further, scientists suggested that a small exposure to SARS-CoV-2 might provoke some resistance to the the virus.  
But it doesn't do any harm, so you can if you are particularly vulnerable or if you just want to.

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