Find the area of the parallelogram if BC=16.?


AB = BD = CD = 16√2 / 2 = 8√2 
area = AB^2 = 64*2 = 128 square units
area = BC^2/2 = 256/2 = 128 square units

Engr. Ronald2021-04-08T10:09:49Z

Given BC = 16

solving the height of the parallelogram.

sin(45) = BD/16
BD = 16sin(45)
BD = 11.31

Apply the Pythagorean theorem to solve for DC.

DC = 16^2 - (11.31)^2
DC = 11.31

Solving it's Area

A = Bh
A = (11.31)(11.31)
A = 127.91 square units or 128 square units...Answer//


Apply Pythagoras 
BC^2 = BD^2 + CD^2 
DB = CD because the triangle is Isoscles ( 2 x 45 degree angles0 
Hence substituting 
16^2 = 2BD^2 
256 = 2BC^2 
128 = BC^2 
BD  = CD = sqrt(128)  = 2^3sqrt(2) 

The area of a parallelogram is the base CD X perpendicular height BD 
Hence A = (8sqrt(2))^2 = 64x2 = 128  units^2  


Using the Pythagorean Theorem, or your knowledge of the 45-45-90 triangle, you should be able to figure out that the base and the height of each triangle is 16/√2 = 8√2.

In a 45-45-90 triangle, the legs are congruent.
s² + s² = 16²
2s² = 256
s² = 128

But now notice that the area of a parallelogram is base times height (which are both s).
A = s²
A = 128 sq. units


These are two 45-45-90 triangles so the two non-hypotenuse sides are the same length.

One length is shared in both triangles so both triangles are the same.

In 45-45-90 triangles, the hypotenuse is √2 times the length of one of the other two sides.  So we can use this to solve for that side:

x√2 = 16
x = 16 / √2
x = 16√2 / 2
x = 8√2

The height and width are the same, so the area of one triangle is:

A = bh/2
A = (8√2)(8√2) / 2
A = 64 * 2  / 2
A = 64

And finally, add in the second triangle and the total area is:

64 + 64 = 128 unit²

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