Will he receive my message?

If I add my crush on Facebook messenger to send him nudes and then delete my account will he receive my message?


You obviously don't have a shred of dignity left, considering you're sending nudes to men.


Yes. messages you have already sent do not get deleted when you delete your account, but he will not know who sent them unless he is online and checks his messages before you delete your account. once your account is deleted it will only say the message came from "facebook user" with a blank profile picture

Dr. Stephanie2021-04-07T16:56:22Z

Ask your question in Computers and Internet section.  And do know that whatever you send on line, anywhere, will stay out there indefinitely, get passed around to who knows who or where, and perhaps come back to haunt you later on. How would you like it, if you were applying for a job, and the employer googles you , and voila...there you are, in the buff ! Do you think you'll get the job?