A guy i knew used to send me happy birthday every year but this year he ignored me...why did he do that?

I was on a date with him before 2 years
But we never gone to a second date even though he had asked me out 
We used to speak at messenger and he told me that he feels sorry because we were not friends in the past and that we could had a good time together
But we lost touched before 2 years and we had not spoke with each other for a long time
Now after 2 years he send me a message for happy new year and we started to speak with each other again
But after 1 month on my birthday he did not send me happy birthday like he used to

I really.dont now why
Because he saw the story on instagram that that day was my birthday but he ignored me

Dr. Stephanie2021-04-07T17:00:29Z

People move on. They leave old friends behind and make new ones, as they grow and mature, as their lives change. That's all, so don't fret about being ignored, he's just not there for you .


Why should he make effort to stay in touch if you aren’t making effort? Maybe he senses that at this point he is just fueling your ego. If you want to stay in touch with him, effort should be going both ways.