Do you think that trolls, like me, who constantly posted stupid questions are the reason Y!A is shutting down?

Speaking of which, what kind of animal is Mickey Mouse?

Bob Bob2021-04-07T17:19:12Z

No, I’ve been here since 2011. I can say that yahoo wanted to phase out this site for a long time and stopped dumping resources and effort into it because it wasn’t a big money maker. 

M. Joe King2021-04-07T17:12:05Z

People say it's because of the lack of revenue, but then again, without the trolls y!a would have made more revenue ....... but then again, if they had dedicated resources they could have stopped the trolls ...... but then they would take more revenue away ............. in short, I have no idea


No. Do you really think they care about idiocy that no one listens to?  They care about a forum that someone might interject common sense and reasoning and show others just what the liberals agendas really are.  Better to censor/silence/demean any opposition now to secure their one party dictatorship in the future.  Those who hate America has highjacked the democrat party and taken over the liberal indoctrination.  Democrat followers are so easy to manipulate and use to destroy their own country. And they say conservatives are stupid.  


Not really, plus the reason there are so many trolls is because they just abandoned the site long ago.


No they could care less about trolls in polls. This is a corporate neo liberal yahoo decision to continue political bias and censorship. 

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