Which one rings true for you?


That's the best feeling ever though, doing things you thought you'd never be able to pull off :) 

M. Joe King2021-04-07T17:26:45Z

Favorite Answer

The last one for sure.  Every time I get a project at work I think "oh no - there's no way I can do this.  It's going to be a disaster" and yet I have this long resume of projects that have really worked out well

Mio of The Digital Haze2021-04-07T18:27:22Z

I hate how all of these can apply to me, but that third one is hitting much too close to home...


terrified to take the next step, afraid to fail


Number 2........................

🌺Jenya Jalysia 🌺2021-04-07T17:30:57Z

Everyone of them is correct for me...🌺

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