California gains 141,000 jobs in February. Can we thank state leadership, President Biden or both?

SACRAMENTO – California’s unemployment rate dropped 0.5 percentage points to 8.5 percent in February as the state’s employers gained 141,000 jobs1, according to data released today by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) from two surveys.


Both in a sense.


Thank you Democratic President Biden and Democratic Gov. Newsom.  Great job!  California even has a budget surplus.  Amazing


Those are agricultural jobs they pay less than minimum wage.


You mean because they allowed some businesses to open back up and hire back a few of the many who lost their jobs during the pandemic???  You libs go to school to learn how to twist things???  Because you certainly aren’t learning anything else.  
States for the most part have been in charge of vaccine implementation.  Liberals are so ignorant. 

Bada Bing2021-04-07T17:39:40Z

Primarily Joe Biden and his leadership to make vaccine distribution a priority and getting more stimulus, which Republicans oppose across the board.

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