When did Yahoo Answers start to go downhill?

IMHO I thought Y/A started to go downhill in 2013 


Over the Last couple of years 


Shortly after the beginning.

I don't think it ever was managed properly. Most suggestions to make it better were ignored


I disagree that the format change caused the "site" to go downhill. Had site maintenance been done regularly, the format change was just a hiccup. What started the trend was when Yahoo was having internal issues and YA was not being properly maintained. Glitches and technical issues weren't being dealt with, the useful feature of L7s being able to relocate misplaced questions was horribly abused, and then Yahoo was bought by Verizon, and largely ignored for quite a while (until multiple spam bot attacks nearly brought down the site in 2018). Lack of oversight by Verizon allowed trolls and site mis-users to flourish. The more technical issues and trolls, the more quality users jumped ship. It got to the point even advertisers didn't want to waste ad dollars on YA due to the poor quality of content. 


funny thing about band wagons they don't form a wagon train YET there are so many of them it becomes sort of like a no driver car with no passengers driving in the car pool lane...



Society went down hill 

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