Can fat people still be fit?


Yes!  You don't see them very often though.  I used to have a very physical job and I've had a few colleagues the size of houses, like three of me wide!  They've convinced me that some people really do naturally run to fat.  They looked different to "average" fat people, better skin, better hair, clearer eyes, but most noticeable, even from a distance, was that they carried themselves completely differently from how you'd expect.  It got me thinking.  We equate thin with healthy so powerfully that people, being lazy thinkers, often don't look deeper than a general first impression.  Take a good look around and you'll soon notice that there are also many unhealthy thin people with papery skin, dull eyes, and all the bearing of a slack noodle.  On balance though I think the fit fat people are very rare, but I know they exist.

NBA YoungBoy No.1 Fan2021-04-07T18:04:45Z

Yeah you’ve never seen an eating contest 


the branches are low on this one, know what I mean?


I don't see how.