Police body cam shows Chauvin’s knee was actually on Floyd’s back and shoulder not his neck. Is this trial over with a not guilty verdict?


Anonymous- you are referring to the video shot by a bystander. The angle it was shot at makes it appear that the knee is on the neck. 

The body cam footage has an angle from above and it shows the actual placement of the knee is on the upper back ... not the neck. 


Why wouldn’t he keep his knee in his back for 9 min ???

Floyd has a history of extreme violence ... Floyd was out of his mind on drugs ...Floyd was already resisting arrest ... Floyd refused to be placed in a police cruiser 

Any responsible police officer would restrain Floyd ... to give him a chance to flee or to harm others would be unbelievably irresponsible 


Crazy - yes that is what you do. That is exactly what the officers did... so we not. Agree they did exactly what they were supposed to do.

While sitting alone in the back of the police car Floyd was screaming he couldn’t breath and begged to be let out

The officers let him out at his request but continued to restrain him for his safely hand geb safety of others  


That body cam footage was taken at a different time that when the cop has his knee on the man's neck.
Either way, you do NOT place your knee on someone who is in the handcuffed prone position - neck or back.
You get them on their butt or feet and into the car for transport.


TV showed it was on his NECK. The trial shows it was on his NECK.

Desolate the Toothsome2021-04-07T17:50:59Z

Oh bullshit.

We can all see where his knee is at.


Next, you need to get by not offering assistance to a person who said they can't breathe. Next, you need to get by why he keeps his knee on Floyd for 9 minutes when he was handcuffed and 3 other officers present. Next, you need to get by the audio where one officer requests that Chauvin roll Floyd on his side and he refuses.


If it were so obvious from the cam that the knee wasn't on the neck and that nothing criminal happened, there wouldn't be a trial.

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