Where Do We Go Next?


First let me establish that generalizations are NEVER 100% correct.

I AM here out of choice.
I am a senior citizen, and doctor ordered to take it easy part of each day. I read some, I do other things, and I go on my computer.

No, I do not have questions anymore. I have enough experience to handle any situation.  But I think that I can provide assistance to others who lack experience, and so it is by choice that I come here.

Where should people go now that Y/A is closing?  Don't take the stupidity to Quora.  For urgent questions, talk to an old person who you respect, or even BETTER, talk to a therapist.

Don't ask other inexperienced people .. most of whom are teenagers and don't have a clue.  You don't get good answers from people who come here because their lives and their emotions are screwed up and they are desperate.

Cheeses Priced2021-04-07T18:02:26Z

I'd say yahoo answers is coming to a close and its time to find another site to post on. I dont like either quora or reddit so I guess I will need to do some searching. We shall see. Cant blame yahoo for doing this, since 99.9% (ok, maybe not but still close to that) of questions are people just trolling/flaming... in other words, not honest questions.