Do I have a rights to change accident claims reports results a month later?

Supposed I had a dash camera inside my vehicle. When somebody backed into my vehicle, it caused damage on my vehicle.

However police report and witness say I impacted that rear of that vehicle. My car insurance take the blame and agree to pay to fix the car in front of me.

A month later I was able to discover new evidence from my front dash camera proved I am innocent.

Now do I have a right to get back to my insurance and request to get refund from other vehicles? Because new evidence showed they are blamed not me even if my insurance already pay for their damage? Do I can even change police reports later on?

You may ask why didn't I prove it when it first happened. Well my front dash camera might got damaged and couldn't run to get it working a month later.


Favorite Answer

Even if the camera was damaged, the microSD card it records onto was still perfectly good.

Unless there were criminal charges or injury claims, nobody other than you will now want to go through the costly process of reopening the investigation.

If the footage shows a “crash for cash” scam where the car ahead of you had no working brake lights or even where it reversed into you if you stopped in time without colliding then that’s a totally different matter and police and insurers WILL be interested.


Ask your insurance company this question, snowflake.

Grammar matters


Present your evidence.  If your insurance company paid a claim, they can go back against the other driver for making a fraudulent claim.


Based on your abuse of the English language, this is not in the USA.  In the USA it is HIGHLY unusual for an accident to settle as quickly as you describe.  It is MORE highly unusual for all the camera footage not to be reviewed prior to settlement.  You would notify your insurance company and they will negotiate with the other company.

Yes, Police Reports are corrected on a regular basis.

The new evidence showed they are blamed you?


You should have given the video to your insurance company immediately. Why did you wait? That's why we have dash cameras.