Atheists, why can't you read the Bible, by skipping the God part (and whatever else you don't care to believe)?

There is much good in it, I can assure you. Values, life lessons, with excellent examples...
I am not a Christian myself but I can tell you this. When I read the Bible occasionally, I replace the 'Our Father' part with whatever God I believe in or totally skip the parts I find incredulous.
You are missing out on much if you stay away from the Bible because of your attitude. Not to mention, the proof you give of your narrow-mindedness and reluctance to learn from any source.
PS: Only honest replies solicited. In these last days of YA, I want to hear some decent answers.


Thank you everybody. Some of your answers were brilliant. Speechless.

Pirate AM™2021-04-07T18:21:24Z

Favorite Answer

I've read it in multiple translations and a few paraphrases.  Some of it is good, most of the "wisdom" is rather obvious and a lot of it can be found in other teachings.


Try skipping every other page of a history book or novel and see how much you get out of it.


I'm sure there are many good stories in the bible, but there are also stories that are absolutely ridiculous. The book of Genesis was written by a man called Moses. He wasn't around to see the creation of the world, the garden of Eden or Noah's flood. So how can we take that just at face value.


I have read the bible. At least three times cover to cover. Its still hogwash. You can assure me all you want, it wont make any difference when you know its all bullshit.


I have read it.  I still don't believe in magic.  :)

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