How much would it cost the u.s government to repatriate all white people back to Europe?

In terms of logistics and so on. White people need to go back to where they came from.


Curious as to where you would put me. I'm a mongrel at this point. Irish, English, German, Scot, and like Warren native. To mention just a few.  My roots in this country go back to before there was a this country. So I am curious,  where would you send me back to?


Too much.  Would be cheaper to repatriate black and brown people people back to their respective $hitholes of origin.


Explain that to us. We’re interested since libs are turning this into a third world sheethole.  But what land do we get, how and when?  I’m sure we could build it into a great country like we did this one before libs destroyed it. 


Ha! That's such an American way of thinking, that all other countries are ours to do as we please. Do Europeans not have a say? 


I'd gladly go, given the provision that africans of any kind were removed. 

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