What is the statutes of limitations for apartment damage in Illinois?

We moved out of our apartment in 2013.  We lived there for 6 years with no issues and we were on a month to month basis no written lease.  Our landlord was really great the first 5 years until he found out we were looking to buy a house.  Suddenly he became a real ******.

I was prepared to surrender a large chunk of my security deposit.  I dropped a hammer on the kitchen granite counter top and cracked the bathroom sink pretty bad when I dropped a brick that was propping up the window.  But this jerk came up with a list of things that we didn't break, that were already broken when we moved in, normal wear and tear and weather related.  He didn't even notice the actual damage we did.

So as soon as he left we filled in the kitchen crack with epoxy, crazy glue and covered it with clear nail polish.  And we covered the cracks in the bathroom sink with white out and clear nail polish.  

To top that off, he gave us an extra $100 on the security deposit.  Our rent was $1,500 but our security deposit was only $1,000.  He thought it was $1,500 just like the rent amount so when he deducted his $400 he gave us back $1,100.  I ran to his bank to cash the check right away before he could put a stop payment on it.

I have seen him at the store a few times.  He never says anything.  I so badly want to tell him that he didn't catch the damage we really did and that he gave us too much money back.  But I don't.  He was such a jerk.  But how long does a landlord have to go after a tenant?


I ran to his bank so the funds would come out of his account immediately.  You can always cash a check at the bank it was drawn on for a fee.  Otherwise, you have to wait for the funds to clear. 


Favorite Answer

You did not say how many units in the building, and it's important. State law for 5 or more units is 45 days to provide an itemized list of things that security is being withheld from to cover. If fewer than 5 units, local law addresses the procedure for proper return of security deposit.

Because you had security deposit returned to you, that should end the matter. But even if it does not legally, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit for property damage is 5 years.  You are 2+ years in the clear.


It has long gone by, but the one on fraud might not be, so I would shut up.

Glenn S2021-04-07T22:12:13Z

It's you who are a dishonest jerk.  Funny how people will come here and admit their dishonesty and being a liar.


Depends in your state laws, but average SOL on such matters is 2-3 years.


why did you run to HIS bank?  I have to go to my bank to cash checks written to me.