My friend is depressed, I need advice ?

My friend recently broke up with her girlfriend, and she’s been feeling down. She told me yesterday she took the day off work to be home alone and sad. I sent her a text saying I hope she’s okay and asked if she wanted to hangout spend some time together but she ignored that and only thanked me for a favor I did for her. 

I’m worried about her. What should I do? Should I give her space and let her be by herself? 


Friends let friends grieve -- but not wallow in self pity and misery to an excessive extent. Reach out to her a couple times a week letting her know that if she wants to get out of the house you'd enjoy an outing, if she wants to talk you're ready to listen. Propose outings like "I'm going thrift shopping Saturday morning; want to come?" That is you offer yourself but don't push too hard.