Per MSNBC: March Madness is a gutter economy predicated upon the organized theft of Black wealth. – Because players are predominantly black?


Certainly, the vitriol in this article doesn’t originate in decades old competition between CBS and NBC, does it? It is about the athletes, right, not that CBS didn’t share some of those billions of dollars with NBC? Motivation behind an argument isn’t always clear in modern journalism.

Back to my question, if the Supreme Court mandated in a spirit of equality that NCAA sport teams all must field player rosters that reflect the current balance of U.S. population, would this article have spotlighted theft of ‘Black’ wealth? Why is the focus only on players of color, instead of all players?

Why is NBC playing the race card here? Is it necessary? Is it even ethical? Or, is it being done because it works? Promoting White shame is the popular mantra at the moment and is particularly effective at raising the level of animus in the country. Why is media, ALL MEDIA, inciting racist dogma in every controversial issue? Is that getting the country any closer to racial equality? Or, does it promote civil unrest? Is media part of the problem?

Should NBC have solicited input on tournament racism from the CEO of Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball to give this argument more substance? Where are the calmer heads in this country? We need them now and they don’t seem to be anywhere in the news media industry. Or political and civic leadership either.


I despise sports in all forms.  Be left to me, sports would be BANNED.


It's big time capitalist theft in all collegial sports.