Is Georgia's new voting law really as objectionable as many think?

A week ago, Republican Georgia governor Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 202--AKA the Election Integrity Act of 2021--into law. The legislation, among other things, declares that mail-in absentee ballots can only be issued to registered voters in the state, expands the number of days allowed for early voting, and shortens the period of time in which one can request an absentee ballot.

As an Independent Centrist, I like listening to what both sides have to say on issues like these. But, I don't really see the outrage of many on the left on this. President Biden famously referred to the new Georgia law as "Jim Crow 2.0", and Major League Baseball announced it would relocate this year's All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver--which is somewhat ironic considering CO's voting laws are somewhat more stringent than are GA's (Colorado has 15 days allotted for early voting, whereas Georgia has 17). 

Is all the individual and corporate indignation over this law justified, or is just holier-than-thou virtue signaling?



@Misanthropy, yes I did. Did you...???


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Some parts of the law could be defended on the basing of maintaining voter integrity (although there is no evidence that there's real voted fraud that we need protection from.) But that last bit about not providing water or food to people waiting to vote was just silly and mean. It was CLEARLY meant to deter people from standing in line to vote- thus reducing the number of voters. How can it be illegal, in the United States of America- to hand someone a bottle of water????? That's so awful it's probably a violation of the Geneva Convention!


No its a liberal lie like usual.
The clowns here in answers haven't read the law and have no clue. They do not want fair elections. What is bad about showing a f-ing ID??  We have IDs for everything else!! Jim Crowe my azz. What do black ppl not have IDs and can't verify via signature or bring water bottles?? You people spilling bs that this law is voter suppression or some racist crap are ignorant and biased and insulting to black ppl insinuating that they cannot provide proper ID. 


Yes, it absolutely is. It limits polling boxes, cuts off early voting, makes it a crime to give people food or drink if they're in line at a voting place, etc. There's no legitimate reason for any of that other than voter suppression.

ANDRE L2021-04-07T19:04:47Z

That law and other like it ARE Jim Crow 2.0.

They first create a requirement for ID, and limit which they will accept.

Then, they REMOVE offices that issue such ID from areas with voters whom they don't want voting.

Then, they do the same with polling places in such areas.

Then, they reduce access on days prior to election day, such as fewer Sundays, as many Black people connect with church buses that take voters to vote after a Sunday service.

And, as every intelligence and forensic body in the US certified that the 202 election was the most secure one EVER, even this cry for 'more security' is utterly racist lying BS.


Non Poll Workers aren’t allowed to serve food to voters in line... Jim Crow all over again 😆 

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