Did it even matter?

For two years, after Verizon fired the Yahoo! Answers Team, I tried so hard to protect Yahoo from Wotan, Toilet John, and the rest of the destroyers. I took so much ั•hit for my efforts. You called me reportmonkey, and wannabe sheriff. And now, here we are. It's gone, and the destroyers are celebrating.


Favorite Answer

Unfortunately, Shad, no. Y!A itself stopped mattering after the new Yahoo! Answers team made two, very poor decisions;
1. They allowed users to post anonymously, thus fueling and enabling trolling.
2. They disabled the Comments feature (as Juli mentioned).
I would have added the fact that they disabled the ability of top members to move posts to other sections, but of course once that feature started to be abused by everyone with a whim they had little choice but to disable it.

It's a shame, really, because this site was very innovative and useful when it was first conceived and launched, but like much of the internet it needs a high level of moderation to prevent the forces of ignorance, misanthropy and abusive egotism to render it useless. For the last 5 years or so it's been nothing but a massive, troll-masturbation festival.

Oh well, one less frustrating time-suck for me. Perhaps I'll see some of you in Quora. Those of you who are considering Quora however, take note: You use your real name to either post or respond, and the moderators are active and conscientious. Trolls beware.

Desolate the Toothsome2021-04-07T20:07:52Z

While we can conjecture about WHY it happened (even though it's been in severe decline ever since Verizon bought it) let's do this instead:

1.ย  Even though your efforts were unsuccessful, did you do what you thought was right?

2.ย  Do you really need validation from others if that's the case?

As long as YOU did what you thought was right, I don't think it matters that much that people might choose not to recognize your efforts, or that they ultimately shut the site down anyway.

No more participants than we have here, it's amazing it crawled along this long.

Uncle Fester2021-04-07T19:50:33Z

Everything comes to an end, Shadow, even our own lives. I suggest you treat the end of YA like the funeral of an old friend, mourn its passing but think of the good times. Probably best not to mention the bus full of drunk trolls that crushed it to a pulp and left its mangled carcass in the gutter, rotting like a dead skunk.


The one and only reason that I will never fault Yahoo! for
shutting Answers down is because in doing so, they will have
taken the trash out by preventing the corvus/wotan/shadowfire
accounts from operating here in the way that they did.ย 
I salute Yahoo! for their bold & gutsy decision.


Nothing matters. In the end, we cease to exist, and soon after, all evidence of our existence is erased.ย 

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