Is there a reason fast food restaurants turn out to be dictator abusive bullies and racist?

I dealt with so many abusive managers where everyone else is Hispanic and I am African American and the workers and managers always gang up on me. I don't understand why they would let me struggle to do all the orders by myself and have customers scream at me and threatened me because I can't get the food out fast enough. People always defend their race over me. If someone does something wrong, they tattletell like a whittle baby they are and the stupid managers get mad me. The play favoritism, they are so sweet and kind to their race but mistreat me as an African American girl. This is the 5th time I literally felt like suicide because of these stupid fast food restaurants.


Wow....DON’T TRY suicide, you may wind up in Hell with no way out, first of all.

Second of all, try another type of job, or might like a place like Broward County, FL, which has Blacks at least as a third of the population here....the two closest Burger Kings (Atlantic Blvd. and S. R. 441 being the main one) have an almost all Black crew and you certainly wouldn’t be harassed because of cultural or racial differences in places like that. And there is more peace here than disharmony between the races in Broward, than other places. I recommend Fort Lauderdale or northward in the county for you.

Your treatment by Hispanics reminds me of how I, as a young White American living in Miami as it became majority Hispanic, was treated. It seems in most if not all cases, a dominant racial group has the tendency to treat those on the outside like it’s human nature as a default at least in many cases. Many Hispanics (not all) have the idea that they are going to be the demographic, linguistic and cultural replacement for White America in the U.S., and they act if they are a superior race than everyone else (and even though they have Amerindian, Black, and White (Spanish) in them they can discriminate against any one of these races as single races).


If you have reason to believe that they are being racist you must report this to the appropriate authority.  If you don't do that those same people will continue to abuse others until someone, eventually stops it. Don't allow there to be more casualties along the way - report it immediately.


You just told us the reason; abusive, racist managers. So really, what's your question for us?


It's because you think you are going to get paid just for wearing a name tag. The food business is hard work, get it fast and keep it clean. You aren't getting paid to scratch your balls.