Was Yahoo! Answers too free to be allowed to continue existing?

Freedom of speech has no home in the 21st century

Uncle Pennybags2021-04-07T19:14:29Z

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Personally, I think it is being closed because Yahoo management is too stupid to improve it and monetize it.

If they would hire some moderators to delete the troll-like Q & A and also the hateful stuff, and then put some advertising on here relevant to the category people are participating in, it could turn into a revenue source for them.

Put some ads for diapers and whatnot in the Pregnancy & Parenting category, banks and insurance ads in the Business and Finance category, Beauty product ads in the Beauty and style area, etc.

Desolate the Toothsome2021-04-07T19:18:18Z

Let's say the whole truth:  Yes...at least part of what's happening is due to "cancel culture."

Yet the forum has been in severe decline ever since it was bought out by Verizon.

This is by far the most active section...and that ain't sayin'  much.

Mismatched Tube Socks2021-04-07T19:14:09Z

It wasn't profitable: It's called Capitalism.
Additionally, no advertisers wanted their banner displayed on a forum that was overrun with anonymous trolls asking questions that displayed all of the worst of human nature.


What freedom of speech on Yahoo, they've taken down my answers and questions for speaking the truth about nazism aka zionism