If Floyd couldn’t breathe, how could he talk?

Just Say No to War2021-04-07T20:01:33Z

He couldn't breathe very well, and his breathing over time became impaired to the point ofnot being able to talk, or even  go on living. If that racist, p.o.s. cop had listened to Mr.Floyd, he would not be on trial for murder. 

Desolate the Toothsome2021-04-07T19:36:29Z

The choke being applied wasn't to prevent air to the lungs...but blood to the brain.

The "I can't breath" was panic induced by claustrophobia..but that's not what killed him.

That choke did.


Guess you never been to a hospital yet


Have some one kneel on your neck. And see if you can’t force out a few words within nine and a half minutes while face down in handcuffs.


He could barely verbalize, it is not the same as talking; he said he was suffocating and he was right. The murderer made light of it, like you. 

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