What was the pain I had on the right side of my chest ?

So when I was laying down on my bed , I switched to my left side and while I was switching to my left side I felt this uncomfortable pain like in my rib cage when I moved . To prevent more pain , I stayed in the position I was in without fully switching to my left side . I stayed in a position for like a couple seconds until the pain went away . This pain sometimes comes when I take deep breaths . What could this be ? Should I be worried ?


Pearl L. I can't reply to your answer ... And that's why I'm updating my question .. your " innocent " answers don't help , gtfooh . You like trolling others


Favorite Answer

I've always been told, pain like that, is growing pains, or just everyday stuff, but even I have random pain in my chest, like, everything is normal, and suddenly I go to take a normal breath and I get stabbing knife pain in my left chest area, behind my left pec, right around where you'd put your hand to feel your heart beat.

So normally what I do is, take a deep, deep breath, but very slowly, and after 5 or 10 seconds, the pain is gone.  Now I'm 43, and I'm attributing that pain to my heart, but the last doctor I had, told me "oh you're young yet, and all this and that" and I'm thinking.... dude, age doesn't matter.  You can have a heart condition at any age.  I have a relative with a heart issue.

Best thing to do, if it happens frequently, do see a doctor.  They are supposed to be able to help and know these things, that's why they make the big big bucks.


maybe you should see your doctor about it