Would you marry somebody after a year?

Would you marry somebody only after a year of knowing them and living with them ?


I married my husband 12 years (and 2 children) ago, 8 weeks to the day after meeting him.

T J2021-04-07T23:06:59Z

No, way too soon, 3-5 years before marriage.

Andrew Smith2021-04-07T23:03:31Z

No. I didn't.  And wouldn't.  I was very serious at the time but it was a gradual process.  After a year she moved into her own separate room in the family home so that we were able to spend some time together more regularly.  But we were not living as a married couple either.  It was one step along the way.
What we did do is to pitch in and help each other and share ever more of our lives gradually becoming one person.
After fifty years together we have achieved a goal that I thought was impossible.  So many times every day we start to say the same things at the same time because we think as one person so much of the time.


No. Long engagements make for strong marriages. One year isn't enough to get to know someones character thoroughly, to adequately plan for a partnership of 60 years and more. I'd want to spend a few years in "marriage lite" and to be sure my intended isn't just on best behavior to win me over, to be sure I see what he's really life when he's at his worst. Will he stick to our spending-saving plan when there's a big temptation? When he thinks I won't find out about it? Will there be in law problems in any quarter? How does he deal with them? Can they be resolved? Are we a good match in terms how formal or informal we choose to be at home? Do we share household and family tasks and responsibilities well? Are there habits or behaviors that grow increasingly annoying?

The most important thing is to be sure fighting isn't part of the relationship. Couples don't have to agree on everything but they do have to agree on how to handle disagreement and fighting isn't how. 



depends on if i wanted to or not

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