Did liberals tell their mommy's, "Trump hurt my widdle feewings, so now I'm going to vote for totalitarian socialism."?


Nope, we told regressives that we were tired of their đź’© and dumped the twice impeached traitor.


That pretty much sums it up.


Lib puppets don’t even possess that much awareness.  They honestly believe the crap that Democrats are really pushing and trying to preserve our democracy, when it is really just the opposite.     They can’t see that their party is being over run by radicals who not only hate this country, but are playing them for fools to help to bring down this country.  Brainwashing is a powerful tool but not without serious mental side effects.  


They are still throwing temper tantrums. Liberals stand for immorality. They don't care about feelings, or the truth. The liberal narrative will always be on the side of the most immoral long term outcome. Their emotional melodrama is always done to justify immoral outcomes. Immorality is always the driving force for all leftist policy, values and thought. The job of liberal academics is to justify immorality. Usually by changing the dictionary. AOC cries crocodile tears "for the Children in cages" when Trump is in office. Then makes excuses for Jim-Crow-Joe when the number of kids in cages is 10 times greater. 


Not all of them tell their Mommy. A lot just do it behind Mommy’s back.

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