Friend calls too much about her toxic relationship...I want to block her...?

I’ve known her for 5+ years and every relationship she has had has been toxic and abusive. 

It’s like they abuse her and as soon as they switch up and say sorry she’s okay again....just don’t understand people who deal with bs like that when they don’t have to. I’ve been there and tried to help but she never listens. 

Her relationships weren’t abusive to the extent of where they threatened her if she tried to leave in fact they encouraged it all the time but she never does...

I’m just tired of it, like I get it we were young back then and clueless but now we’re 24 like come on eventually you have to want better.

I’m just over it and don’t care anymore it’s annoying, I stopped answering the phone as much but then she started calling our other friend and even she stated all she talks about is the boyfriend/BD

Am I wrong to just “ghost” her? Like I just really don’t want to associate with anyone who can’t seem do better for themselves or their kids because she has two with him.

Pearl L2021-04-07T21:36:58Z

maybe you should talk to her about it


If you still value your friendship, maybe only block her when she calls you about this. Eventually, she will take the hint.

If it doesn't make her choose better boyfriends, it should at least make her stop blowing you up about her problems.