What should I do about the fact my care coordinator is making me see a psychiatrist that has been accused of making sexual comments?


Favorite Answer

You have 2 choices:
1. Tell your co-ordinator you would prefer a different psychiatrist.
2. Go to the recommended psychiatrist, document any sexual comments they make and report them to the administrator


You aren't required to see a doctor you do not wish to see.  The only way you'd have to see the doctor is if you were ordered to do so by the Court.  But even in that case, you can plead to the judge that the doctor has been accused of sexual remarks to patients and that you're uncomfortable with that.  I think a Judge would listen to that.


Just don't go. You never do what they tell you anyway. The worst that can happen is they put you back on tag or in jail.

Judy and Charlie2021-04-08T01:45:20Z

Record your sessions.

Mr. Smartypants2021-04-07T22:17:46Z

I'd tell my care coordinator of my concerns, but I'd take his/her advice.  I figure a care coordinator knows better about how to manage my condition than I do, otherwise what good is he/she?

But I'd make it clear that if the psychiatrist offended me with sexual comments, I'd want another psychiatrist.  That's your right as a patient, isn't it?

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