Are Verizon out of their minds for depriving the internet of your genius?

I have requested and downloaded all my data from Y!A because this information needs to be preserved for historical value. Scholars and academics will pour through the text and realise that the finest minds of our generation resided in the Travel Australia section. I used Y!A as I have a genuine thirst for knowledge and I have to give a big thank you to all contributors who helped develop my understanding of the world. Your pearls of wisdom have been a great boon. In tribute to your awesomeness, I have compiled some of the pure gold to come out of this section.

Q: Can you spot the difference between Smith and Stokes getting hit on the head?
Old Timer - some times i think you've been hit on the head HDB, very hard.

Q: Do Australians have no respect for the sailors who got them there?
Regwah - I thought they were all frigging in the rigging.

Q: Has British settlement actually been good for Aboriginal land ownership?
Aussie Battler - You are part ladyboy.

Q: Were conditions on convict transport or Goulburn Supermax worse?
Dildo - Goulburn Supermax would be a good place for you half wit, but they don't let ladyboys in. Although most people here probably wish that you were on the 1st Fleet

Q: Would the British have to create arguably the world's most formidable navy if everyone wasn't invading us?
Brad - Who gives a **** Salford soap dodger

Q: Is friendly competition such a terrible thing?
Aussie - Australia just destroyed India in the cricket.

Word limit...


Anon: In British English collective nouns can take is or are. My guess IS you ARE some dumb yank.


version actually believe Yahoo will survive without Answers 12 to 18 Months and Another part of Yahoo will go due to lack of Users

You Cannot abuse customers that Bring in the Cashs and expect us to wat what is left 


I'm not sure great scholars agree that ARE Verizon, referring to a singular corporation, is correct English - even in Australia where public education is so questionable.  Other than that, boring as ever.

Aussie Devil2021-04-09T08:57:10Z

If the Chinese owned Verizon had their way there would be no internet 


Don't dnld anything from the cricket section though lol


Thank you HDB. We have enjoyed our time here.

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