Lifelong friend/neighbor making me feel uncomfortable?

Complains about how I drive what books I read constantly talks about trump Asks me to get him stuff at the store then complains about how it was put away we are all staying together and he complained about how hot the oven made the house.

 Then he said to only use the microwave not the oven then he said he never said that . I am starting to see why his daughter. 


Whether this person is pro or anti Trump it's probably fair to distance yourself at this juncture. Normal people are just sick of hearing about it. 


It is easier to NOT live with someone.

No one is perfect, but if we aren't living with them, usually their imperfections do not affect OUR life.

Stop living with this person.  You may not be able to save the friendship .. or you may not wish to save it. But understand that what you are experiencing is the same reason 50% of marriages and 75% of living-together love-relationships end up falling apart.

It is not easy to live with someone until WE are in charge of how WE emotionally react.  And this can take most of our life to master.  At least, about 20 years of our adult life (except for 3% of the population who grows up in a healthy family and enters adulthood already emotionally mature .. I am not one of that 3% group, btw).


Should I stop being friends I mean he helped me out alot over the years but the constant whining criticism and how he treats people is bad. He is ruining my relationship with my wife.


Sorry to hear that, Babs, but what the hell is your question? It doesn't sound like the friendship is any good at this point. The thing to do is to leave, if you can, or maybe it makes more sense for him to leave. Either way you shouldn't be living together anymore.