What's the first step in learning how to drive (after studying the manual)?

Due to COVID, my state allowed me to get my license right after passing my written exam. I didn't have to take the road test at all. I literally have never been behind the wheel, so I don't know where to start. I'm fine with everything in the manual; I just need to learn how to handle the car now.


NOPE. NEVER HAPPENED THAT WAY, "EVER", DISEASE OR NO DISEASE. "YOU CAN BET THAT DRIVER EXAMINERS are classified as "FRONT LINE WORKERS" so they got their needles already and they practice mask wearing and shield protection and have had you sterilized so you are free from COVID or they do NOT HAVE TO EXAMINE YOU until they feel safe. They are "Government workers"  You are just a pleb. No "need" for you to have a license.  It is not a right.
Maybe it is your state of MIND that makes you believe in fairy tales"
 Been driving 45+ years.   That is their rules.
Being an idiot won't help you pass. Insurance may deny you because you are not legally licensed.

The Devil2021-04-08T23:54:46Z

It looks like a lot of people like you came to California with a license and no driving skill. Now, you need to get someone to teach you how to drive. It can be a friend or family member with time and patience to show you how the car works and ride with you as you practice and they criticize your mistakes so you don't destroy things and maintain bad habits.


You still need to follow all the rules. Go to your DMV website, review all the student / teen driving regulations and follow them. If you're under 18 you still need to have someone ride with you for 50 hours who is licensed and over age 21 who can teach you how to drive. If you don't know anyone, then you'll have to hire a driving instructor. You  then need to have a parent or legal guardian certify that you've received 50 behind-the-wheel hours using the proper DMV form.  The only thing different now is that you won't have to take the road test, unless you dawdle for so long that they drop the COVID-19  changes and go back to requiring road tests.