Why has Y.A and other ask/answer websites has become so personal?

Sometimes. people always accuse you for catfishing about your age and gender, which shouldn't matter unless it's harmful to others, because there are lot of pedophiles and fetish trolls on these kind of websites, which I AM aware of, but I hate when people treat everyone like that when they ask more controversial topics that still appropriate...

and no I'm not talking about the "trolls".

At least what I'm not aware of, this is not Social media like Facebook... I don't think you are suppose to get "intimate" with people on here.. So why do I've to prove whether I've male or female genitals when asking more personal question in categories like fashion and relationships, it doesn't make sense and even if I'm not anonymous and has pic or name, it doesn't prove your real life age or gender, you know.It's no wonder Y.A will shut down...


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because the yahoo workers delete posts they do not agree with.