How do you deal with a friend who constantly complains says offensive things then denies it?

He treats everyone like dirt because he is old well I am old too and was a food service person .he throws cold water on good idea I have.begs me to cook and clean then complains about how he would have done it better.then says he didn't do that.he also is very religious and watches these religious tv shows that trash gay people constantly and my wife and I are gay.

He talks about trump and how horrible biden is. He wants to know why none of his marriages worked out and why his adult  kids   stay away. I kind of want a break from this friendship.i mean I have Sorry I worded my first question wrong.


I have know him since woodstock and he used to help me out when I was homeless and I didn't have a car but his attitude has worsened with age.


Why do you hang around such an unpleasant person?
Why make yourself miserable when you don't have to be?

It is impossible to change others and how they act.
It is difficult to change ourselves and how we react.

Quite frankly, I would rather attempt the "difficult" than the "impossible".