why would i have a follow up interview ?

so the hiring manager sent me an email after my 3 interviews and stated everyone was impressed with my skills and experience and the final decision for  job offer would be made shortly. also stated i was a top finalist for the position and to let my management team know about it because its an internal position. today i receive another invite for a meeting for a follow up for the position but no news of whether i got the offer or not.   

A Hunch2021-04-07T23:38:17Z

Favorite Answer

Since it's an internal position, there are two possibilities:
a) you got the job and they want to inform you in person
b) you didn't get the job but they want to help you understand your strengths, provide you coaching on areas of improvement, and make sure you still feel like a valued employee even though you are being passed up this time.

I'm going to guess it's A but prepare for B.