Why are bathrooms still segregated based on gender?


1.  Men’s and women’s biology are different as have been cultural differences.   Most women apparently see little need for urinals, and I know many women freak out about men leaving the toilet seat up.  (I think these women fail to realize, a man leaving the toilet seat down when peeing is probably worse for women)

2.  Long held social ideals about the division of sexes.  The Romans had their orgies but still had sex specific public restrooms.  

3.  Many women are very uncomfortable sharing facilities with men.  Heck, some women want women only gyms.  

4.  Given MeToo, more men are uncomfortable with sharing their restrooms or locker rooms with women, fearing it makes them more prone to false allegations of sexual harassment.  


Not sure. Women urinate on mens privacy to begin with by wandering in to the mens bathrooms all the time (apparently they want respect from us) so it must be becasue of the hypocrite, we want 'equality' women who dont like the idea of being treat the way they treat men.


because use men dont want to see your condom floating around the toilet .


Bathrooms are segregated based on sex, not gender. Bathrooms were NEVER segregated based on gender. 

One of the many falsehoods the supreme court has made is falsely claiming that bathrooms are segregated by gender when ruling in favor of transgenders. That ruling is factually speaking pointless since the law segregates bathrooms based on sex, not gender. Ruling that you can't segregate bathrooms based on gender when the law says no such thing does nothing and changes nothing. 


In some places they're not. They're called unisex bathrooms.

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