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if the girl is in her periods & wearing pads and u do lip kissing and touch her body etc can she get preg?

18 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not impossible, but highly improbable. Even when ejaculation occurs inside the vagina, and even when the woman is ovulating, there is still, on average, only a 7% chance she will become pregnant. Obviously, some people are more fertile than others. Sperm cannot live in open air for long at all, so it would have to make enough contact with the vagina to make that long journey. It's a long, long shot, but not absolutely impossible.

    A girl can get pregnant anytime during the month. Even on her period. You will be able to tell next month. If she is late for her period, she should take a test or go see a doctor. She is less likely to get pregnant while on her period, but it is still possible. Always use a condom or some other form of birthcontrol. Hope this answers your question.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Mastering The Male Orgasm
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You must first know how a girl becomes pregnent. A girl can only become pregnent if she has intercourse with a boy. Only when semen is ejaculated into vegina by a male , then a girl becomes pregnent. There is also time factor for it. I girl cant be pregnent when she makes sex during her period. The days that are productive are normally from the 8th day to the 20th days after period starts. So, only when a girl have sex during these days, then she can become pregnent. A girl can not become pregnent simply by lip kissing, smooching or oral sex.

  • 5 years ago

    Giving birth to a new life is indeed a blessing which almost every woman would wish to have. How to get pregnant naturally

    Enjoying the feeling of motherhood and raising a family would surely be a couple’s dream. Some get it naturally, while for some others things don’t seem to work as they desire. These reasons which stop a women from conceiving can be due to either physical reasons or truly physiological.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Here are tips on How to Get A Girlfriend Whether in high school, college, or out of college, when you know what to say and how to say it and how to act to make girls interested in dating you, life becomes a lot easier. It's not even about your looks either. I've seen attractive guys have a hard time getting a girl while an average guy gets a bunch of girls. You just got to know the tricks. Have fun.

    Best way to eat out a girl

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Kissing Her Body

  • 2 decades ago

    first, yes you can get pregnant on your period wearing a pad or not. no, kissing cannot cause pregnancy but it can lead the way to sex in which case you most definitely risk pregnancy. please discuss birth control with a health teacher, planned parenthood worker or other trusted and knowledgeable adult. its really important to have some good facts about your body and fertility before you consider becoming sexual with someone.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Fertility Treatments
  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Get Every Girl Easily
  • Eric
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Without playing games, don’t be available 100% of the time or let your life be an open book. A man that comes on too strong or doesn’t have outside interests will scare a woman away just as much as it would if the circumstances were reversed. Read here

    Women don’t want to feel as though they are completely responsible for your happiness and that is what it feels like when the other person has no outside interests. Men who are overeager or jump when the woman says jump are the ones who are more likely to end up in the friend zone. This doesn’t mean that you should play the game of not calling for a few days; it means that you should set healthy boundaries until you both naturally find a spot for the other in your lives.

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