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What to do in Prague next Wednesday evening?

I have to be in Prague next Thursday for my work. I arrive on Wednesday evening. Is there something interesting that evening?

4 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you don't have to get up terribly early on Thursday, go have a drink or six :) Beer is cheaper than water here and Czech women are nice to look at, sometimes even to talk to.. If you can go out on Thursday night too, go for it, that's when Praguers party!

    If you arrive in the afternoon, go walk a little. The centre is small and beautiful. The weather should get back to normal June weather by Wednesday, about 25°C.

    Have fun!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Prague is among the towns worth-visit and to accomplish this you can start preparing your holiday with hotelbye . Beginning with the wonderful area around the Prague Castle or the Strahov monastery with its amazing library and finish with …the whole outstanding city, Prague is merely incredible. In Prague you can even visit the small home where Franz Kafka labored or the beautiful Prague Castle gardens from where you can have a unique see of the town with its picturesque red roofs. In this city you will never get bored. In the event that you should go through the spring you may find the spring trees in bloom; in the summer you might find long dusks; fall will give you colorful leaves and specific light and in the wintertime you will enjoy the entire town included with simple bright snow.

  • 2 decades ago

    i just went to prague, i loved it there. you can go see the jewish synagogues, the jan hus statue in old town, wencelas square, ride the tram but hold on, eat gelato, go shopping, visit old town, watch the astronomical clock to go off (old town near jan hus statue, its actually not that interesting, you dont need to see it), and eat outdoors, lots of people smoke. visit prague castle and st vitus cathedral, walk over charles bridge, and have fun! though, in the evening, many things close, so i suggest to get a good night sleep and get used to the time change.

    bring back some gifts for everyone, there is some unique stuff there!

  • 2 decades ago

    drink a beer (or two), of course :-)

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