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Will me and my boyfriend ever get back together?

We have been together for 6 years and a year ago, I cheated on him. Our relationship hasn't been the same ever since. I hurt him really bad and today, we broke up. It's only supposed to be temporarily but I think that It might be permanently. I wish that we could see what each other were thinking so that all the unspoken words between us could be resolved and there would be some clarity. What do you think?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I dont understand if he didnt really want to be with you why would he have stayed with you for a year after you cheated. Just jot down on some paper everything you want to say to him, anything that you might forget. Some times a break up is temporary but sometimes they just tell you that to let you down easy. Thats what my ex did to me (neither of us cheated he just said we should have some time apart and we havent gotten back together yet and that was a year ago)You need to figure out why you cheated on him, it was obviously for some reason. Good Luck

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): My Ex Back Secret :
  • 2 decades ago

    oh hun, i doubt things will ever be the same. i know that if my bf cheated on me and things werent the same since then....i dont think i would be able to move on. if you care about him, you have to respect his decision. on the other side though, i know that i would want him to prove to me that im the only one you know? if he cheated on me, but kept fighting for me, then maybe it just needs more time. its hard to answer that without knowing more details, u know? but i would just say that for now, give him some space and if he's worth it, fight for him.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    probably not. Cheating is a big deal. If you cheated you probably deep down dont want to be with him.

  • 2 decades ago

    Give him a break. After all, it is not is fault. You should be responsible for all of your actions next time.

  • 2 decades ago

    I wouldn't if I was him.

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